Boundary Surveys
Many clients ask me exactly what getting a survey entails. To begin the process I use the information from the deed to your property to determine its location. For a boundary survey, discovery of your property lines, monumentation and evidence is gathered to verify the true location of the property line. Your property will be measured to find any existing monuments. A property corner, or monument, is typically a magnetic iron bar, iron bar in concrete, pipe, stone, and/or stones found flush to the ground or just underneath. Other items can act as monuments, this includes fences and other items that may be located within proximity of the boundary. If desired, I can also locate other items on the property including: house, barns, driveways, ponds, utilities, etc. This information can also be used to guide building of new structures on your property such as pole barn, landscaping, decking, fences, etc.
The data I gather in the field is then used to draft a “picture” of the property, which can be used to create a certificate of survey. This is a specific legal document that has to be prepared to a minimum standard and can be filed with your county register of deeds. All this ensures that your property is accurately described and recorded for public knowledge. The final hard copy of the survey I create is delivered to the owner stamped and signed, certifying the results of my work.
It is imperative to know what you truly own, so to appropriately guide the building of improvements to your property. I can help prevent issues before they occur, so to avoid stress and frustration when in the future you go to sell or divide your property.
Property Corner
Mortgage Report
Mortgage Report
Serving REaltors & lenders
A mortgage report gives a broad idea of the overall property and house location. It shows structure lines and recorded easements on the drawing. This report will achieve the mortgage company’s requirement for a survey. We work with you to achieve a fast turnaround time for mortgage closings.
Unlike a Boundary Survey property corners are not marked during this survey. Potential issues with neighboring properties will not be shown on the drawing. A mortgage report does not contain enough information for building new structures or fences.
FEMA Surveys - Flood Elevation Certificates, LOMA, LOMR
Residential & Commercial
Is your property in a flood plain? Do you need to carry flood insurance?
Our services include performing a pre-investigation of your property to evaluate your home's flood risk. We will come to your property to conduct a full on-site evaluation. Then we'll recommend the next possible steps.
1. Filing a LOMA (Letter of Map Amendment) A reclassification of your home or structure out of the risk area of flood plain.
2. Perform an Elevation Certificate
Elevation Certificates determine the actual elevation of the home or structure, located on the property. It will determine if the home or structures are located within the flood zone base flood elevation. Elevation Certificates can be used by insurance agents to adjust flood insurance premium ratings are also used for building permits, if requested by the municipal building departments, and any other FEMA related requirements.
Property on the lake